Niamh Regan

Niamh Regan is a critically acclaimed songwriter from county Galway, Ireland. Her debut
album Hemet (2020, Black Gate Records) announced her arrival as one of the most
distinctive songwriters in Ireland today. Earning nominations for both the RTE Folk Awards’
and the Choice Awards’ Album of the Year, the album received soaring praise, and led to
performances on The Late Late Show, Other Voices, and La Blogothèque. 

“A game-changing record” – The Journal of Music
“A quietly stunning debut” – The Sunday Times
“A quiet and determined triumph” – The Irish Times
“One of the best albums released this year… sublime” – Nialler9

“Stunning” – Hot Press
“A bewitching album” – Irish Independent

“A heartfelt, timeless, and captivating release” – Folk Radio UK

Following her studies in flute and guitar at UL, Regan honed her craft as a songwriter by
travelling between Ireland and California, writing about her experiences along the way. As a
result, her songs seamlessly weave the intimacy of the Irish lyrical tradition with the
expansive breadth of American songwriters such as Karen Dalton, Stevie Nicks, and Joni
Mitchell, but the resulting sound is entirely her own.
A natural storyteller, Regan’s songs are windows into her world, snapshots of the intimacy of
everyday life. This is evident on her latest EP, In the Meantime. The EP is a collection of
songs written during the challenges of the pandemic, exploring themes of acceptance,
uncertainty, independence, family guilt, silence, and ordinary acts of love. With her singular
mastery, Regan's songwriting draws us into the intricate details of everyday life and elevates
them into something universal.

Over the past year, Niamh has been busy performing live in Ireland and the UK, playing at
Ireland’s most loved festivals – Body & Soul, All Together Now, Another Love Story, Féile na
Bealtaine, and Galway International Arts Festival. She has opened shows for the likes of
Fionn Regan, Damien Dempsey, Paul Brady, Sorcha Richardson, The Lost Brothers, SOAK,
and joined James Vincent McMorrow at The Barbican, London.
Niamh is currently working on her second album, whilst continuing on the road around
Ireland, Switzerland, the UK, the US, and Australia in the coming months.

Buy/Stream Niamh Regan’s releases at:

Mae Niamh Regan yn gyfansoddwraig o Sir Galway, Iwerddon, sydd wedi derbyn clod y beirniaid. Rhyddhaodd ei halbwm cyntaf Hemet, yng nghanol y pandemig yn 2020, ac fe wnaeth nodi ei chyrhaeddiad fel un o gyfansoddwyr caneuon mwyaf unigryw yn Iwerddon heddiw. Derbyniodd yr albwm ganmoliaeth frwd, gan ennill enwebiadau ar gyfer Gwobrau Gwerin RTE ac Albwm y Flwyddyn Gwobrau Choice, ac arweiniodd at berfformiadau ar The Late Late Show, Other Voices, a La Blogothèque.

Yn dilyn ei hastudiaethau ffliwt a gitâr yn Academi Cerddoriaeth a Dawns y Byd Iwerddon, Prifysgol Limerick, fe wnaeth Regan fireinio ei chrefft fel cyfansoddwraig caneuon trwy deithio rhwng Iwerddon a Chaliffornia, gan ysgrifennu am ei phrofiadau ar hyd y ffordd. O ganlyniad, mae ei chaneuon yn gwau yn ddi-dor agosatrwydd y traddodiad telynegol Gwyddelig gydag ehangder cyfansoddwyr caneuon Americanaidd fel Karen Dalton, Stevie Nicks, a Joni Mitchell, ond mae’r sain sy’n deillio yn perthyn iddi hi’n unig.

“Record sy’n newid y cyfan” – The Journal of Music

“Début syfrdanol” - The Sunday Times

“Buddugoliaeth dawel a phenderfynol” - The Irish Times

“Un o’r albymau gorau a ryddhawyd eleni… ardderchog” - Nialler9

“Syfrdanol” - Hot Press“Albwm cyfareddol” - Irish Independent

"Albwm twymgalon, bythol a swynol” - Folk Radio UK

RTÉ Radio 1 - Albwm yr Wythnos

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