Dark Tropics
Drawn together by a bond that stretched from Ireland to Morocco, Dark Tropics musicians Rio McGuinness and Gerard Sands found common ground in the form of Radiohead, Aretha Franklin and The Velvet Underground. Armed with the influences of William Somerset Maugham, Paul Aster and John Cooper-Clarke, the pair formed a partnership- one that relies equally on instinct and guile.
Their creative vision has bore fruit with timeless, cinematic, pop-noir. Powered by analogue instruments and retro recording techniques, their music sways and breathes and its themes are everywhere - the burning highs of lust, the fragility of heartache, the sting of betrayal and defiance in the face of pain. A meld of contemporary and classic, individual and universal, the scope of Dark Tropics is limited only by how far you dare the follow it.
Cafodd cerddorion Dark Tropics, Rio McGuinness a Gerard Sands, eu tynnu ynghyd gan fond yn ymestyn o Iwerddon i Foroco, a dod o hyd i dir cyffredin ar ffurf Radiohead, Aretha Franklin a The Velvet Underground. Wedi eu dylanwadu gan William Somerset Maugham, Paul Aster a John Cooper-Clarke fe ffurfiodd y pâr bartneriaeth - un sy'n dibynnu i'r un graddau ar reddf a medr.
Mae eu gweledigaeth greadigol wedi dwyn ffrwyth gyda phop-noir bythol, sinematig. Gydag offerynnau analog a thechnegau recordio retro, mae eu cerddoriaeth yn symud ac yn anadlu ac mae ei themâu i’w canfod ym mhobman - uchafbwyntiau chwant angerddol, breuder torcalon, pigiad brad a herfeiddiad yn wyneb poen. Yn gymysgedd o gyfoes a chlasurol, unigol a chyffredinol, caiff cwmpas Dark Tropics ond ei gyfyngu gan ba mor bell y meiddiwch ei ddilyn.